Friday, October 3, 2008

For all you parents out there...

It is inevitable that one child will always get into mischief. While Todd & Tori NEVER colored on the walls, Audrey LOVES to!!!! She will color with anything she can get her hands on....and while most of the time it's just a pencil which is an easy fix, today it happened to be a bright blue Dry Erase Marker. And while those are fantastic and easy for Dry Erase boards, they are NOT meant for white doors!!!!! It was quite a stunning display of artistry! However, not such an easy thing to clean off! I tried Magic Erasers because they get EVERYTHING off.....except Dry Erase marker!! I tried baking soda paste because that's what everyone said to do online. NOTHING budged it. Until I got out the nail polish remover....and Q-tips. There is still a lovely blue tint to Todd's white bedroom door, but I guess at least it isn't huge sweeping lines now!! TIME TO LOCK UP THE WRITING TOOLS!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops! Yes, there is always one kid... our #3 was the same way. Luckily, we first discovered it with crayons on the tile floors (easy cleanup).

I felt like a broken record for years: "Only on paper! We only color & write on paper."

That was pre-dry erase board days, of course.